Nevada is a “stand your ground” state, and this is important to self-defense laws for several reasons. As the most reputable criminal defense lawyer in Las Vegas, we believe that our clients have the right to the best possible defense in line with state laws. We also believe that you have the right to a full explanation of our self-defense laws. The purpose of this post is to provide unbiased information regarding your rights about defending yourself in Nevada.

Nevada Self-Defense Laws Explained

Nevada’s self-defense laws provide ample protection for someone being punished for a crime after they have used justifiable force in the face of a physical threat. If that person must use force to protect themselves, a loved one, or another person in danger, then the force that they use may be justifiable when taken to trial.

In cases of battery domestic violence, sexual assault, attempted murder, robbery, and home invasion, Nevada’s laws allow you to use deadly or non-deadly force, depending on the situation.

Non-Deadly vs Deadly Force

When acting in self-defense, the use of non-deadly force is sometimes necessary and allowed under the law. If the person using self-defense believes that they were facing immediate bodily harm, and the force that the use was only an amount that was necessary for protection, this non-deadly force is deemed legal.

If your life is in imminent danger, the use of deadly force can be justified in specific scenarios under Nevada law. However, the threat must be so pressing and urgent that killing another was necessary to save your own life. Also, the person that was killed must be the assailant, and the person that killed them must have attempted to decline any other struggles before administering deadly force.

Imperfect Self-Defense

Imperfect self-defense is when a person unreasonably believes that they were acting in self-defense. Courts will not recognize imperfect self-defense as a valid defense in criminal cases. For example, if you punch someone because you think they are going to punch you. This could be classed as imperfect self-defense as you were not in imminent danger.

For additional information, or to hire a violent crime attorney in Las Vegas, contact us today.



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228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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Contact Information
228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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