DUI Lawyer
Las Vegas has some of the most stringent DUI laws in the country. This should not surprise many. Casinos and hotels freely offer an almost endless supply of alcohol to their guests. Gambling and alcoholic beverages often go hand-in-hand.However, when an intoxicated driver gets behind the wheel with an illegal amount of alcohol in their system, they may be cited for a DWI. The individual can then incur many harsh consequences, ultimately earning a formal charge of DUI. However, an arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs does not always entail a guilty verdict in a court of law. Our Las Vegas criminal defense law firm provides aggressive DUI lawyers to help those who need effective representation. A free case review is available by calling our office and speaking to a drunk driving attorney in Clark County.

While there are pages and pages of DUI laws and penalties that may apply to your particular case, blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels remain central to DUI cases:
Blood Alcohol Concentration Legal Limits:
● Drivers 21 and under: 0.02%
● Commercially licensed drivers: 0.04%
● “Regular Drivers”: 0.08%
If the above concentrations of BAC are found in your system, you can – and often will – be cited for Driving Under the Influence of alcohol. If you incur a DUI under 21 years of age, the consequences may be severe. If drugs are found in your system, you will be cited for that as well. Finding even the slightest amount of drugs – including prescription drugs – may worsen the consequences of a drug DUI conviction in Clark County.
As in virtually every state, a driver accused of DWI will be subject to criminal charges via the courts. The administrative area of law, usually the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, handles the administrative charges.
- If the individual is accused of Driving While Intoxicated, a DMV hearing will be held to determine whether the defendant’s driver’s license will be suspended.
- The Administrative Court oversees the work of government agencies. This gives the public the right to appeal actions that have been taken by the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles.
- These courts are independent of and separate from criminal and civil cases.
- The Office of Administrative Hearings is the court of appeal for administrative actions taken by the Nevada Dept. of Motor Vehicles.
- The judge is required to be independent, partial and fair.
In the DUI Administrative Hearing, the accused has the opportunity to appear before an administrative law judge to contest the DUI procedure. It is advisable to have a DUI lawyer present at the time of the hearing.
Drunk driving attorneys with proven records can provide the legal counsel needed to win or overturn DMV administrative hearings. DWI cases involve many different determinations and factors beyond the administrative hearing. Individuals accused of DWI in Las Vegas should obtain legal counsel in the form of a DUI lawyer so as to have access to every defense strategy possible for their case
There are a number of drugs that can cause symptoms that impair a person’s ability to safely operate a vehicle. Under Nevada law, anyone who operates a vehicle while under the influence of a drug, even a drug that was prescribed be a doctor, can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) if it impairs their ability to do so safely.
If you are convicted of DUI for prescription drug use or the use of any other type of drug, you can face all of the same penalties as a person who was driving under the influence of alcohol. In addition, you could face additional penalties if you were under the influence of an illegal drug. There are serious consequences in drug-related DUI cases, and representation from a skilled defense attorney is essential.
At The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., I am committed to protecting my clients’ rights in drug-related DUI cases. The prosecution carries a higher burden of proof in prescription drug DUI cases. I will hold them accountable to the law and utilize eery legal resource at my disposal in an effort to avoid a conviction in your case.
I will work closely with you to understand the details of the incident that led to your arrest. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, I may be able to challenge the police officer’s grounds for the initial traffic stop, the accuracy of the field sobriety test and other considerations.
Contact my office 24/7 to learn more about my drug DUI defense services and what I can do to help you. I offer a free initial consultation where you can get your questions answered without obligation. You can reach me by phone for an immediate response or via email for a response on the following business day.
Nevada law is very strict with regard to underage drinking. Any person under the age of 21 who is driving or has actual physical control of a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol or using drugs. Under the law, it is illegal for a person under the age of 21 to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .02 or higher, regardless of whether it impairs his or her ability to drive.
If your child has been charged with underage DUI (driving under the influence), the assistance of a qualified defense lawyer is imperative. At The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., I have represented numerous clients who were under 21 facing DUI charges. I have experience handling cases in both criminal court and juvenile court, and I will fight to overcome any charge your child may be facing.
If your child is convicted of a DUI under the age of 21, he or she could be facing driver license suspension, significant fines and potential incarceration. In addition, any child under the age of 18 would also be required to submit to a drug and alcohol evaluation and may be ordered to attend classes or undergo treatment.
I understand the impact a DUI conviction can have on a child’s ability to live a normal life as well as his or her future. Do not let one mistake determine your child’s options for post-secondary education and job opportunities. I will pursue every available option in an effort to avoid a conviction and protect your child’s future.
I am available to help you at any time, day or night, with your child’s underage DUI matter. Your initial attorney consultation is free.