Las Vegas has a well-known reputation as one of the greatest party cities in the world. However, if the authorities apprehend a resident or tourist with drugs in their possession, the offending individual can expect to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. While it is important to remember that all persons are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, the fact remains that it is up to the defendant’s attorney to refute the evidence against the accused. The attorney will do everything in their power to proactively represent their client with the ultimate goal of securing a not-guilty verdict.Calling the Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig ensures that you will have one of the leading drug crime defense attorneys in Las Vegas and Clark County on your side. As an experienced drug possession and drug trafficking lawyer, he will work hard to protect your rights.


There are a great number of potential drug crimes with which a defendant can be charged in the state of Nevada. We have provided the following list to give an idea of just a few of the charges that may require the representation of a drug crime defense attorney:

  • Trafficking in controlled substances, i.e., knowingly engaging in drug sales, drug manufacturing, or bringing drugs into the state
  • Knowingly possessing large quantities of schedule 1 or 2 drugs
  • Possession, manufacture, transportation, or sale of controlled substances in Las Vegas or Clark County
  • Possession with intent to sell prohibited or otherwise illegal drugs like heroin, opiates, cocaine, LSD, methamphetamine, and oxycodone, and more


Depending on the schedule of the drug and the quantity involved, punishment will vary.

  • 4 grams to 14 grams – category B felony
    • One to six years prison
    • $50,000 fine, maximum
  • 14 grams to 28 grams – category B felony
    • Two to fifteen years prison
    • $100,000 fine, maximum
  • 28 grams or more – category A felony
    • 25 years to life prison; parole possible after 10 years
    • $500,000 fine, maximum

The complexity of drug legislation requires the expertise of a leading drug crime defense attorney to properly represent an accused defendant. Whether you have been accused of a prescription drug crime, major trafficking charges, or simple possession of drug paraphernalia, you can rely on the Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Las Vegas and Clark County’s drug crime defense attorney.

A conviction for a drug offense in Las Vegas, Clark County, or elsewhere in Nevada will leave you with a permanent criminal record and a possible prison sentence. The consequences that a conviction entails make it all the more important to get the advice of an experienced and aggressive drug crime defense attorney who will advocate on your behalf. You are not guilty unless a court of law deems you so

Drug possession is a serious offense in Nevada. Since possession of less than an ounce of marijuana is a misdemeanor offense under the law, many people make the mistake of thinking that any possession offense need not be taken seriously. On the contrary, the possession of any usable amount of a controlled substance is a felony offense that can result in a permanent criminal record and severe penalties.

If you are facing charges for possession of any type of drug, it is important that you seek the assistance of a qualified Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. At The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., I provide aggressive representation to clients throughout the Las Vegas area and throughout Nevada.


If you are found in possession of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana, a medication for which you have no doctor’s prescription, club drugs or drug paraphernalia, I will present the strongest possible case to show that the drugs were not yours or that the police had no grounds to perform the search that led to the discovery of the drugs.

If the prosecution has compelling evidence in your case, I will pursue every available option in an effort to avoid a conviction on your record. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, it may be possible to negotiate 3363 treatment that would allow for your case to be dismissed after you complete court-ordered classes or drug treatment.


Contact my office today to schedule a free initial consultation regarding your drug possession defense needs. I am available to meet with you at any time, 24/7. You can reach me by phone for an immediate response or via email for a reply by the following business day.

When most people think of drug distribution and trafficking, they often imagine a large-scale operation involving many people mass manufacturing and transporting huge amounts of substances.Under Nevada law, however, a person might be charged with trafficking for possessing even a small amount of a controlled substance, prompting the need for a drug trafficking lawyer. Drug distribution or trafficking in Clark County or Las Vegas is a serious felony offense that calls for mandatory prison time and severe fines. If you have been arrested for any type of drug crime involving possession of a controlled substance, you can potentially be charged with distribution, trafficking, or both. Be certain that you have an experienced drug trafficking lawyer representing you from the start to make sure you give yourself the best chance for a positive result upon the resolution of your case.


At The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., we offer our clients the benefit of a former City of Las Vegas prosecutor’s insight to drug crimes. We know how the other side operates because we have experience with their practice of introducing trafficking and possession with intent to sell charges in cases where nothing more than personal use was involved. These types of drug trafficking cases are all too common in Las Vegas and Clark County, which is why we specialize as drug trafficking lawyers.

We will do everything in our power to see that you are not convicted of a crime you did not commit. Even if the evidence appears to support a distribution or trafficking charge, I will present the strongest possible defense on your behalf. In some cases, it may be possible to avoid the long-term impact of a drug conviction by negotiating 3363 treatment (rehabilitation) instead of incarceration or other penalties. Arguing for rehabilitation is often an effective way to help you avoid charges, particularly if the charge should only constitute simple possession of a controlled substance.


Know your rights. Do not talk to the police without having a lawyer present. If you have been charged with a drug crime in Las Vegas or Clark County, NV and require a drug trafficking lawyer, look no further than the Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, where you can count on experienced, timely legal representation no matter what your charges may be.

A conviction for a felony offense can negatively impact your life for years and years to come. Securing competent representation can help you avoid consequences that limit your future personal and financial freedom. Your future is worth protecting.

We make it our mission to provide representation for you when you need it most. You can reach us at any time, day or night, and we will be there to protect your interests from the outset.

Drug manufacturing is a serious felony offense in Nevada that can result in extremely severe penalties if you are convicted. Even being in possession of the supplies necessary to make drugs can lead to a misdemeanor charge, regardless of whether you intended to make or actually made drugs with them.

If you are facing charges for any type of crime involving the manufacture of a controlled substance such as methamphetamine or ecstasy, cultivating marijuana or manufacturing cannabis oil, it is critical that you seek the advice of a qualified criminal defense lawyer immediately. At The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., I represent clients in the Las Vegas area and throughout Nevada.


Nevada drug crime laws are very complex. There can be situations where a person who is simply found in possession of a controlled substance can face charges for manufacturing. I work closely with every client to gain a complete understanding of the events leading up to the arrest. I conduct a thorough review of all police reports and any other evidence related to the case.

If I find any indication that your rights were violated during the police investigation or identify any holes in the evidence that can be used to your advantage, I will take immediate action to have the charges against you reduced or dismissed. I know the burden of proof carried by the prosecuting attorneys, and I will hold them accountable to the law.


Contact my office immediately if you have been arrested for drug manufacturing or any other offense. I am available 24/7 and your initial consultation is free. 

Prescription drug abuse is becoming much more prevalent in Nevada, and agencies across the state are dedicating increasing levels of resources to investigating and prosecuting offenders. Even people who are in lawful possession of a prescription drug that had been ordered by a doctor can find themselves facing criminal charges in these cases.

If you have been arrested for any type of crime involving prescription drugs, it is important that you seek the advice of an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately. At The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., I have successfully represented numerous clients in a wide variety of these cases.


During my career, I have represented individuals, doctors, pharmacists and others in prescription crime cases. I have a complete understanding of the law in these matters, and I know how to present a compelling defense on your behalf. My only concern is keeping a conviction off your record, and I will do everything in my power to do so.

I am prepared to defend you against any prescription drug crime, including those involving:

  • Illegal possession of a prescription drug
  • Prescription fraud
  • Writing and filling prescriptions for a nonmedical purpose
  • Theft of prescription pads
  • Abuse of medical marijuana card privileges


I offer a free attorney consultation where you can get your questions answered and learn more about your defense options. I am available 24/7 to assist you. 

Nevada law makes it a crime to sell or possess drug paraphernalia. But what exactly counts as drug paraphernalia? The law is broad enough to include anything the prosecution can prove is for purposes of growing, manufacturing, selling or ingesting controlled substances such as:
  • Bongs
  • Roach clips
  • Scales
  • Cocaine vials
  • Drug testing equipment
  • Grow kits
  • Manufacturing kits
  • Diluents and adulterants used for cutting drugs
The list could go on and on. What’s relevant is whether the prosecution can prove the use or purpose of the item. Various factors are used to analyze whether the item is drug-related — for example, your criminal history, statements you’ve made about the item, any drug residue found on it, and its proximity to controlled substances. Expert testimony may also be an important type of evidence in these cases.


If you’ve been charged with selling or manufacturing drug paraphernalia — or even possessing it with the intent to sell — you are looking at a category E felony. The offense can be even more serious if a minor was involved. And if the alleged sale crossed state lines, you could be facing federal charges. State drug charges for simple possession or advertising of drug paraphernalia, though misdemeanors, can still land you up to six months in jail and a tarnished criminal record.

Whatever type of drug paraphernalia charge you are facing, you need a lawyer who is well-equipped to protect your rights.

At The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., I am passionate about defending the accused. I’ve devoted the bulk of my career to criminal law — first as a prosecuting attorney for the City of Las Vegas, and now as a defense lawyer. My proven results speak to the dedication and effort I pour into every case.


Hiring an experienced local attorney in Nevada is even more important if you don’t live here. In addition to representing Nevada residents, I also frequently represent out-of-state visitors who are facing drug-related charges in Nevada. My goal is to resolve the charges in a favorable manner while sparing you the time and hassle of multiple court appearances.



Contact Information
228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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Contact Information
228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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