Emotions can run high when arguing with a loved one. Whether you are a parent who is trying to come to some sort of an agreement with your teenage son, or you are frustrated and saddened by the recent actions of your partner, it is not unusual for heated conversations to occur in a household.

Real problems can start though — as in criminal charges — when these conversations lead to domestic violence accusations. Whether facing misdemeanor or felony charges, both have potential negative consequences on a person’s life.

In the most basic of terms, domestic violence is a violent interaction that takes place between two or more people who live together. While these charges can stem from interactions between family members — including parents and children, grandparents and stepparents — those not related but living together — such as a girlfriend and a boyfriend — can also face domestic violence charges.

In Las Vegas, these types of charges are taken very seriously. Even a misdemeanor, meaning no weapon was used and the damages were limited, can result in a 180 day jail sentence, in addition to a $1,000 fine.

It is important to note though that just because police arrived and an arrest was made, this does not mean the person accused is guilty of a crime. Police make decisions based on the evidence they have at hand. The officers who respond will typically arrest the person who they believe injured the other. However, throw into the scenario heated emotions where people are yelling and screaming and you certainly have a volatile environment where mistakes can be made.

This is why anyone facing domestic violence charges should contact a criminal defense attorney. Depending on the specifics of the case, and what truly happened the day or night police arrived, charges could end up dropped or greatly reduced. In other cases, a plea bargain may be possible. The first step toward figuring out what makes the most sense though starts with contacting an attorney.



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228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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Contact Information
228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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