A DUI Conviction Can Cost You More Than Money

Most people know that drunk driving is dangerous, but the need to educate on this topic remains. As a drunk driving attorney in Clark County, Benjamin Nadig has represented plenty of DUI cases. He fully understands the consequences of drunk driving; he has seen clients living the aftermath of a drunk driving incident. Below are the consequences of driving while impaired: Legal Troubles Driving while intoxicated is against the law. Due to Las Vegas’s reputation for gambling, fine dining, entertainment, and nightlife,…

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MYVEGAS Magazine Publication Nominates The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig for Top 100 Lawyers of Las Vegas

Diligent, dedicated, and passionate, when it comes to finding the right criminal defense attorney for your conviction, The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig will fight until the very end to secure the most favorable outcome, period. Whether it’s a lesser misdemeanor charge or a more severe crime you are facing, Benjamin Nadig will not rest until justice is served. It is with great pleasure and honor that the people of Las Vegas have nominated The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig in MYVEGAS…

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Three Reasons to Choose Benjamin Nadig for Criminal Defense in Las Vegas

If you are facing charges of any kind in Las Vegas, or the State of Nevada, you should be seeking legal representation as soon as possible. If you have been charged with a crime, but are not sure where to turn for legal counsel, visit https://www.benjaminnadig.com/ to take a step toward moving past your legal woes. As a practicing defense attorney in Las Vegas, I have seen the justice system chew up and spit out too many citizens, which is why I…

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3 Reasons We Can Handle Your Personal Injury Case

Unfortunately, accidents are a part of our day-to-day lives. Whether it is a car accident, product malfunction, or medical malpractice, these types of accidents can happen to somebody on any given day. If you have been injured due to the negligence of another party, there are lawyers out there who will fight for you to be compensated for your losses. The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig is where people in the Las Vegas area count on to handle their personal injury…

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What to Do Following a Las Vegas Arrest

Everybody knows the old saying: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas - and maybe for good reason, that should be the case. However, our society requires us all to abide by a certain set of laws, and Las Vegas is no exception to that. With visitors from all around the world and across the United States flocking to Las Vegas for the lure of a 24-hour party town, many visitors will push themselves to their limit and often not practice…

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Criminal Defense in Las Vegas: How the Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig Can Win Your Case and Protect Your Future

Being convicted of a serious crime can determine the outcome of your career, your family life, and your freedom. Regardless of your case, The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig is determined to defend you and keep your rights protected. Benjamin Nadig will respect your right to privacy, tirelessly research your individual case, look for an opportunity to beat the charges, and suppress any illegally obtained evidence. Your case will be thoroughly evaluated in order to get the most accurate results. We…

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On behalf of Benjamin Nadig  of The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd.  posted in Drunk Driving on Thursday, April 27, 2017. Colorado drivers who are convicted of driving under the influence will now have to pay for ignition interlock devices. This is according to a bill that passed the Nevada Senate on a recent Friday. The vote for this bill affecting DUI drivers, called SB259, was unanimous. As a result of this bill, the courts will now require drivers with DUI convictions to…

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On behalf of Benjamin Nadig  of The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd.  posted in Criminal Defense on Monday, April 10, 2017. In Nevada, sometimes the worst part of being found guilty of crimes involving theft or larceny is not just the potential for jail time, but the permanent criminal record. In addition to whatever payments or punishments the legal system exacts, conviction for theft crimes may mean future difficulty obtaining any sort of reliable employment. For this reason, it can be essential for those so…

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On behalf of Benjamin Nadig  of The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd.  posted in Drug Charges on Wednesday, March 29, 2017. Residents of Nevada with a criminal history due to minor marijuana convictions may have a brighter future ahead of them. A recently introduced bill proposes that those who were found guilty of use or possession of marijuana in amounts that are now legal would be eligible to have the prior convictions eliminated from their criminal record. The new bill also proposes the removal of mandatory…

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On behalf of Benjamin Nadig  of The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd.  posted in Criminal Defense on Tuesday, March 14, 2017. Nevada police took a man into custody for not just one but several seemingly unrelated crimes they are claiming he committed. Among them, the man stands accused of theft crimes involving a Frito Lay box truck he is accused of having stolen. This all occurred over the course of one day, beginning at around 3:30 a.m. on Feb. 24, 2017. Early that Friday…

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228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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