A 20-year-old man is accused of being intoxicated behind the wheel at the time of a fatal car accident in Las Vegas, according to local sources. Nevada police arrested the man following an alleged drunk driving incident on March 30, though it has been confirmed the 15-year-old passenger in the vehicle will not face charges. So far, no court date has been announced publicly.

According to the accident report, the man struck and killed two pedestrians waiting at a bus stop, including a 58-year-old woman and her 6-year-old granddaughter. An 18-month-old child was also injured in the crash, though her injuries were reportedly minor. The passenger in the vehicle was also injured, and there is currently no word on her status.

The arrest report states the man drifted off the road before striking the victims. It is unclear what steps were taken by law enforcement to determine whether the man was intoxicated, as no mention of a roadside sobriety test was made in the report. However, the man was subsequently arrested and charged with two counts of DUI involving death, as well as a single count of failing to remain at the scene of an accident.

In order for Nevada prosecutors to secure a conviction in this drunk driving case, they will need to provide proof the man was drunk at the time of the crash. In order to do so, they typically rely upon a blood sample confirming the blood alcohol level of an accused, though there are procedural issues concerning the administration of any tests which must be reviewed and assessed. While the proof upon which prosecutors intend to rely remains to be seen, the severe consequences that would surely accompany a conviction in this tragedy requires that the accused man, alongside his counsel, focus on preparing a convincing defense to the criminal charges.

Source: 8newsnow.com, “Metro: Teen in car during deadly bus stop crash won’t face charges“, Nikki Bowers, March 31, 2015



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