Sex Crimes

Perhaps the most sensitive of cases, we can assist with harassment, assault, and misconduct.


Mistakes happen, and we can mitigate instances of driving under the influence.

Drug Crimes

Are you in a conflict involving illegal substances? Contact us today.

Violent Crimes

Seek representation immediately if you've been involved with a violent crime.

If you are facing charges for any type of criminal offense in Las Vegas, Nye or Clark counties or elsewhere in Nevada, you need a reliable criminal defense lawyer who will fight to protect your rights and your freedom. A criminal conviction of any kind has the potential to saddle you with a criminal record that could follow you for the rest of your life, having devastating consequences for your future. At the Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., I defend clients in the Las Vegas, Nye, and Clark County areas and across the state against a wide variety of criminal charges. I have seen firsthand the damage that a conviction can do. As a leading criminal defense attorney in Nevada, you can rely on me to pursue every available option as I work hard to secure a positive result for your case.


As a criminal defense lawyer, I strive to ensure the most favorable results possible for each client that I serve. I am diligent in my efforts to obtain a dismissal of the charges or a not-guilty verdict. Even in situations where the prosecution appears to have an ironclad case, I will utilize every legal resource at my disposal to minimize the impact of any charges you may face. Whether you require a lesser misdemeanor defense lawyer or a felony attorney, one of Las Vegas’ leading criminal defense attorneys from The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig can help.

I have extensive experience representing clients in a broad range of criminal law matters, including:

Any and all of these charges can change your life for the worse. It is vitally important to realize that when you are accused of a crime in a court of law, you are completely innocent until proven guilty. When you find yourself in one of these difficult situations, do not talk to anyone until your criminal defense lawyer has arrived at the premises. If you are arrested for any crime in Las Vegas, Nye, or Clark counties, call me so that I can give you the representation that you deserve. Your future is worth protecting.

When you are facing potentially devastating criminal charges, the best thing you can do is to hire an experienced, dedicated, and passionate criminal defense lawyer. By calling the Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, you will give your future a fighting chance.

What are the fees and charges


The complexity and unique nature of criminal cases mean that fees can vary significantly. Factors such as the severity of the charges, the amount of evidence involved, and the required court appearances can all impact the final cost. To discuss your case and obtain a fee estimate tailored to your specific situation, please contact our office.


If you have been accused of a felony in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nye County, or anywhere else in Nevada, you may face a potential prison sentence of more than a year – possibly much more. A felony conviction can deprive you of your freedom, your finances, and your employment prospects, leaving you in dire need of a felony lawyer. Nevada law recognizes five categories of felonies: A through E, with Category A being the most serious. A person convicted of a Category A felony faces the possibility of life in prison or even the death penalty. Felonies may include certain drug charges, DUI, sexual assault, assault and battery with injury, first-degree kidnapping, fraud, grand theft, and murder, among others.You’re entitled to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. You also have the right to legal counsel in the form of a qualified felony attorney. When you have a passionate, experienced, and skilled felony lawyer working to defend you, you are that much more likely to receive a favorable outcome for your case.


Even with the constitutional safeguards in place to protect the rights of the accused, people are wrongfully convicted all too often. Your right to counsel is guaranteed by the United States Constitution. When you’ve been arrested on a felony charge, you need a felony lawyer with years of experience defending the rights of the accused.

Benjamin Nadig has served as a prosecutor in Las Vegas as well as Clark and Nye counties, and knows the inner workings of Nevada’s criminal justice system from both sides. Since opening his practice devoted to criminal defense, he has earned the gratitude of hundreds of defendants whose charges he has had dismissed or reduced. You can rely on him to defend your rights and keep you informed at every stage of the process.


Being accused and being convicted are two quite different matters. Defenses are available, which vary according to the nature of the crime. Benjamin Nadig does a thorough investigation and analysis of all the details of the alleged crime, as well as the manner in which the police conducted the investigation and arrest. He will identify the best defense to the specific crime you’ve been charged with and determine whether police misconduct violated your rights. He will look for ways to challenge the credibility of the government’s witnesses and raise appropriate defenses and alternative theories of how the crime could have occurred in an effort to raise reasonable doubt.

As an individual confronting the prosecutorial power of the government, you may feel that you don’t have a chance. With the knowledge, skill, experience, and commitment that Las Vegas felony lawyer Benjamin Nadig brings to the table, the worst may never come to pass.

If you have been accused of a felony or learned that you are under investigation, contact the Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig now. He will arrange a payment plan that will enable you to afford top quality legal representation and maximize the likelihood of a favorable resolution. With Ben working for you, you’ll ensure that your constitutional rights are protected and that no stone will be left unturned in identifying and presenting the best defense available.

A misdemeanor is a “minor crime” and not as serious as a felony, but a conviction can cost you plenty in fines and even cause you to spend some time in jail. Even though a misdemeanor has a maximum sentence of less than a year, any time at all in jail can wreak havoc with your life and your reputation, and you may not be able to work in certain occupations after a conviction. You’re labeled as a criminal and made to feel ashamed. A minor crime can make a major impact. To avoid having your life turned upside down with a misdemeanor conviction, you can prevent a lot of the negative fallout by hiring a Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer to fight the charges on your behalf. In some cases a good lawyer can get you off without jail time, especially for a first offense, and may even succeed in having the charges the charges dropped altogether. In Las Vegas, Benjamin Nadig is possibly the best choice you can make when you need a lawyer to represent you for a misdemeanor accusation. He has many years of experience in Nevada’s criminal justice system. A former Las Vegas city prosecutor, he knows the ins and outs of the system. Now, as a defense attorney in private practice, Ben puts his experience, knowledge, and passion for protecting the rights of the accused to work for individuals facing all types of criminal charges.


Nevada recognized two categories of misdemeanors:
  • Misdemeanors, with a maximum penalty of fines up to $1000 and/or up to six months in a city or county jail. Examples of typical misdemeanors include traffic tickets, solicitation of prostitution, trespass, petit larceny, and possession of less than an ounce of marijuana (first or second offense.)
  • Gross misdemeanors, which can bring a sentence of up to $2000 and/or up to a year in a county or city jail. Examples are gross lewdness or indecent exposure (first offense), false imprisonment (without a deadly weapon), stalking (second offense), possession of less than one ounce of marijuana (third offense), and unlawful use of a hotel key.A misdemeanor trial is a bench trial, before a judge only, without a jury. A gross misdemeanor trial can be either a bench trial or a jury trial.


Having a criminal record of any kind, whether misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony, can have an negative effect on your finances, your ability to earn a living, your standing in the community, and on your family. But with a high caliber defense lawyer like Benjamin Nadig on your side, you can often minimize impact. Ben will look for errors in police procedure and will challenge the validity of evidence and witness statements, as well as presenting any mitigating circumstances that might reduce or eliminate your responsibility for a misdemeanor, for example you made an improper right turn where the sign prohibiting it was obscured by branches.


Benjamin Nadig defends misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors every bit as rigorously as he does felonies. He knows the effect any conviction can have on your life and will use every means available to achieve and outcome that will allow you to move forward with the least possible disturbance, financial loss, or inconvenience. If you or someone close to you has been accused of a misdemeanor crime, contact Ben immediately to learn about your legal options. The initial consultation is free, and payment schedules are available.
As a parent, having your minor child arrested can be a devastating experience. Children and adolescents sometimes act on a dare, a whim, or in rebellion, without considering or understanding the potential consequences of their behavior, and may find themselves in trouble with the law. If this has happened in your family, you can protect your child’s interests and future by hiring an experienced juvenile criminal defense attorney.


Nevada law recognizes that minors often lack the maturity and judgment to make consistently good decisions. The state has created a separate juvenile justice system that focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment and provides young offenders with the guidance they need to get their lives back on the right track. An unfortunate trend in recent years has been to transfer the more serious juvenile crimes to the adult system, which negates the purpose and intent of an enlightened juvenile justice policy. This is shortsighted, because once a minor has been transferred into the adult system and convicted as an adult, the difficulties of ever returning to a normal life as a productive and law-abiding adult are often insurmountable. If your child has been charged with a crime, more than anything else, you need a juvenile defense attorney capable of keeping him or her out of the adult system.


All Americans, including juveniles, have the right to counsel and the best available defense when accused of a crime. Many juvenile defendants have no choice but to use a public defender. Most public defenders are dedicated lawyers who work long hours and do their best to assist these young people. Unfortunately, they have to deal with enormous caseloads, giving them little time to give each case the focused attention that is possible when you hire a private lawyer.


If your son or daughter has been arrested, there’s a good chance you’re feeling shock, anger, and disbelief. It is normal to feel angry at your child while being desperately worried about how a conviction could affect the child’s future. Regardless of your anger and disappointment, your child needs your help and support. You should hire a lawyer who can devote the required time and close attention to your child’s case, and who is able to protect your child’s rights and best interest by keeping the child in the juvenile system, which was created to meet the needs of young defendants. You need a lawyer who is able to work within the system for your child’s best interest, without imposing barriers to a meaningful life. If the court has already certified your child to be tried as an adult, the stakes are even higher.


Choosing the right lawyer to represent your minor child can make the difference between a return to life as a law abiding citizen and a life of crime after having fallen under the influence of hardened criminals in an adult prison. A lawyer who cares and who understands the system can give your child a chance at a future. Las Vegas criminal defense attorney Benjamin Nadig understands the heartbreak and fear you feel as a parent when your child has been accused of a criminal offense. He believes that young people are entitled to another chance, and he’s committed to fighting for Nevada’s at-risk youth. Contact Las Vegas juvenile defense attorney Ben Nadig immediately if your son or daughter has been arrested or questioned. Ben is on call twenty-four hours a day and will be there when you need him to provide the advice, protection, and advocacy that can get your child back on track without slamming the door to meaningful future.
Petty larceny is the act of stealing goods or items valued at less than $650. If the goods are valued at $650 or more, the offense is known as grand larceny. It is essential to obtain qualified and experienced legal representation if you have been arrested for petty or grand larceny, for you could be left with a permanent criminal record if convicted. A permanent criminal record often makes it extremely difficult to obtain future employment, because future employers are reluctant to take their chances with a so called “thief” with a criminal record. We specialize in helping individuals who have been arrested for theft crimes.


Many employers do not want to have anything to do with a job applicant who has a permanent criminal record. It is of course always best not to have an offense and a permanent criminal record as you go forward in your life. Innocent mistakes commonly happen, however:
  • Less than $650 – stealing another’s property valued at up to $650
  • $650 or more – grand larceny, 6 months in jail, permanent criminal record
  • Shoppers honestly forget to pay for items before they leave the store
  • Shopper’s children sometimes inadvertently and carelessly take home items from the store that they have been playing with
  • Nevertheless, such theft crimes can leave the adult and/or the child with a permanent criminal record


When an individual is convicted of a crime of theft, others assume that they cannot be trusted. Thus, employers are reluctant to hire defendants or those convicted. This is particularly so when contact with money is involved. Jobs such as cashiers, bankers, store employees and virtually all jobs in which case is involved is suspect. Jobs where bookkeeping is involved is subject to the “moral turpitude” understanding.


A conviction of petty or grand larceny can result in jail time and a fine. Worst of all, it will result in a permanent criminal record. It is advisable to contact the experienced attorneys at our Las Vegas Criminal Law Offices where we can help you with these matters. We can question the evidence, the witnesses, the facts of the situation and most of all the actions of the alleged thief. Contact our office for a complimentary consultation now.

Nevada has strict laws pertaining to weapons. If you have been arrested for a weapons crime, you may be facing years in prison, expensive penalties, and a permanent criminal record. Although Nevada allows adults to purchase and openly carry firearms without a permit, a concealed handgun permit is required to carry a concealed firearm on your person. However, there are certain restrictions pertaining to a concealed handgun permit.If you were arrested for a weapons crime in Las Vegas, Clark County, or anywhere else in Nevada, it is advisable to obtain legal representation from an experienced and qualified gun crime attorney. We offer a free case consultation to review your legal options.


In order to obtain a concealed handgun permit, there are certain restrictions that apply. If you do not comply with the appropriate laws, you may face prison time and hefty fines. Some of the restrictions include:

  • Age – you must be at least 21 years old
  • Course – all applicants must complete a firearms safety course
  • Addiction – you must not be addicted to alcohol or drugs
  • Prior Convictions – you must not have a record of violent crimes
  • Domestic Violence – you must not have a domestic violence conviction
  • Probation/Parole – you must not be on probation or parole
  • Falsifications – you must not have misrepresented past firearm permit applications

The penalty for neglecting any of these restrictions is 1 to 5 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000. If you have been accused of violating any of these restrictions and require fast, experienced legal representation, look no further than The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig. With years of experience as both a prosecutor and a criminal defense lawyer, Benjamin Nadig has the qualifications and know-how to ensure you have proper legal representation at your side.


In Las Vegas, Clark County, and throughout the state of Nevada, it is illegal for a person to carry the following concealed weapons:

  • Pistols or Revolvers
  • Dirks or Daggers
  • Machetes
  • Explosive substances other than ammunition
  • Belt Buckle Knives
  • Any other dangerous weapon with potential for lethal force


If you have been arrested for violating any of the above gun-related crimes, it is advisable to obtain aggressive legal representation from an attorney as soon as possible. The Law Offices of Ben Nadig represent clients in Las Vegas, Clark County, and across Nevada who have been charged with concealed handgun weapons crimes, as well as all other weapons violations. There are various legal defensive strategies that may be utilized in seeking a dismissal, not guilty verdict, probation, or fine in lieu of jail or prison time.

Benjamin Nadig is an aggressive, proactive attorney who will fight on your behalf to ensure the most positive results possible in your gun crime case. Ben represents Las Vegas residents, tourists, business people, and travelers. To schedule a free case review, call our office today.

A casino marker is a line of credit issued by the casino to the gambler. The gambler uses the casino marker money to gamble in the gambling establishment. When a gambler does not repay the casino marker, it becomes a Nevada criminal defense. If the amount that is due is more than $250.00, the offense becomes a class D Nevada felony. What are the consequences of not repaying a casino marker?
  • Arrest
  • Possibility of prison time
  • Penalties
  • Fines


Again, this is a potentially extremely dangerous situation for the defaulted casino marker. It is recommended that a Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer who has experienced and knowledge in the area of casino markers be contacted immediately. They may help you by:
  • Immediately contacting the lender
  • Taking aggressive action
  • Showing the creditor that you intend to pay
  • Making a plan to pay the amount due
  • Options are available and they must be pursued, for non-action will give the impression that you are avoiding the issue entirely
  • Even if you live outside of the state of Nevada, an arrest warrant may be issued, requiring your extradition to Nevada to deal with the case
Our law office deals with casino marker cases and we have the skills and experience to help casino marker debtors.


When you obtain a casino marker at a casino credit you are required to sign a blank check. This is the security that is used to ensure that you will repay the funds borrowed from the casino. If you do not pay the amount due and are contacted, the bank will attempt to cash the check. It is highly advisable to contact a Las Vegas Casino Marker attorney immediately to negotiate on your behalf and to help you with these issues.


If you find yourself owing money for a defaulted casino marker, the attorneys at our office can help you with your situation. It is important to contact us immediately so that we can get take the necessary steps in regard to your release and in regard to establishing a payback plan. Communication is essential. There are many issues involved; you do not have to necessarily end up with a criminal record. To contact our office for a free case review, contact us as soon as possible – it is for your own good to look into your options.

Criminal charges of any kind raise concerns about your future. When those charges escalate into an investigation conducted by a federal agency and, ultimately, an accusation of federal offense, you may panic. If you’ve been charged with a federal crime, you probably have numerous questions about the forthcoming government proceedings and your options for legal representation. If you or a loved one have been charged with a crime in this area, get in touch with an experienced federal criminal defense attorney like Benjamin Nadig, who has been practicing law in Las Vegas and Clark County for years. Most crimes committed in Nevada are prosecuted under state law in a Nevada state court. Criminal cases involving only federal laws, however, typically must be tried only in federal court by an assistant US Attorney. Some crimes can be prosecuted in a state or federal court, depending on the nature of the charge.As lawmakers pass ever-increasing amounts of federal legislation, the federal criminal justice system continues to impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens who have been charged and convicted under federal criminal laws.Some of the new federal laws make conviction easier than ever before. For some federal crimes, prosecutors don’t even have to prove that the existence of criminal intent. This underlines the need for an aggressive federal criminal defense by an attorney who is knowledgeable in federal law cases.


Not all criminal defense lawyers practice in federal courts, so you will need to find a lawyer who does. There are many differences in the handling of a federal case that your lawyer must know to launch an effective federal criminal defense. If you’re facing federal charges in Las Vegas, Clark County, or anywhere else in Nevada, attorney Benjamin Nadig’s many years of experience successfully defending clients in the federal criminal court system are potentially at your disposal. He is just a phone call away.


Examples of the most common federal offenses include, but are not limited to:

  • Robbing a bank that has insured its deposits with a federal agency
  • Trafficking illegal drugs across international borders or state lines
  • Racketeering
  • Human Trafficking
  • Mail Fraud
  • Securities Fraud
  • Any crimes committed on federal property or Indian reservations
  • Tax Evasion
  • Possession of weapons banned by the National Firearms Act
  • Aircraft Hijacking
  • Kidnapping
  • Counterfeiting
  • Museum Art Theft
  • Damaging Public Mailboxes
  • Immigration Offenses
  • Assassination of someone holding public office


The United States Federal Government has created a plethora of agencies that are authorized to investigate federal offenses, including:

  • ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms)
  • DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency)
  • FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
  • ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
  • IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
  • Secret Service


Federal crimes are usually prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s Office for the area where the crime occurred. In some matters, a United States Department of Justice prosecutor or an attorney with a federal agency specializing in the particular crime will participate in a federal prosecution.


Are you facing an allegation of a federal crime in Las Vegas, Clark County, or across the state of Nevada? Don’t know where to turn? You’ve come to the right place. Las Vegas criminal defense attorney Benjamin Nadig is a well-seasoned criminal defense attorney wholeheartedly committed to defending the rights of the accused. He possesses a long track record of successfully defending his clients against the most serious federal charges.

At the first hint that you are under investigation by a federal agency, give Ben a call and get him involved from the very start. Do not speak to federal agents or other authorities until you have obtained counsel. The sooner you bring the Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig on board, the sooner he can start his investigation and determine the best defense options for you. Ben is available around the clock and will step in to ensure that your rights are being upheld any hour of the day or night. Call us now to schedule your free consultation and ensure that you have the best legal representation in Nevada.

Nevada law recognizes several types of restraining orders (also called “orders for protection”). These orders typically involve allegations of:

Each of these orders may go into effect for a temporary or extended basis.

As the subject of a restraining order, whether temporary or extended, you must take special care to understand and comply with the terms of the order. Failure to do so could land you in jail.


Intentionally violating a restraining order can lead to serious criminal charges. In the case of a temporary order, you are likely facing a
gross misdemeanor. A violation of an extended order, however, is a
category C felony for most types of restraining orders. This means you could end up with:

  • Up to five years in prison
  • Up to $10,000 in fines
  • A permanent felony conviction on your record

Given the seriousness of these consequences, it’s critical to seek the help of an experienced lawyer. The right defense strategy can make the difference between a dismissal or reduction of the charges and a conviction.


At The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., I represent Nevada residents and out-of-state visitors charged with restraining order violations. My background as a former prosecuting attorney for the City of Las Vegas gives me valuable insight into how the other side handles these charges. I will apply this valuable experience to explore every avenue for a strong defense. For example, perhaps the violation wasn’t intentional. Or perhaps you didn’t receive adequate notice of the order. These seemingly minor details can make or break the case — and I know exactly what to look for.

If you’ve been arrested for a restraining order violation, call us immediately. I’m available 24/7 to provide immediate legal help. You can also send me an email; you’ll receive a prompt response within the next business day.

If you are facing the possibility of a suspended license, whether through the accumulation of driving points or because of a charge (such as DUI or another driving related offense), it is critical that you take strong legal action to fight the suspension. A suspended license will limit your independence and make it difficult to get to work and earn a living. On top of the inconvenience, a suspended license can be very expensive to have reinstated. You need to fight the suspension up front.


At The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd., our attorneys are experienced in representing clients facing suspended licenses. We also assist in getting your license reinstated, as well as fighting additional charges related to driving on a suspended license. Our team will fight aggressively on your behalf, advocating to make sure that you do not lose your driving privileges.

For more information about fighting a driver’s license suspension or having your license reinstated, please contact our Las Vegas, Nevada, law offices today for a consultation.

Driving on a suspended license can create much greater legal problems for you. If you are caught driving on a suspended license, you will have even more fines and fees to pay, more time added to your suspension, the possibility of community service time and the possibility of jail time. Depending on your situation, you could be facing a felony charge, also.

If you have been caught driving on a suspended license, you need skilled legal representation that you can trust to protect you from the full range of sentencing possibilities. Our lawyers will advocate on your behalf to prosecutors and district attorneys to clear up the matter and achieve the best possible outcome, given the evidence in your case.

We understand how frustrating and overwhelming a license suspension can be, and our attorneys work tirelessly to protect your interests. For more information, call us today.

A conviction in a white collar crime case represents dire consequences for the accused. If you have been charged in such a case, your reputation, your business, and your career may all hang in the balance. On top of that, you might face frightening criminal repercussions, like prison time and thousands of dollars in fines. These cases demand an especially thoughtful approach.The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd. have served as criminal defense attorneys for countless white collar crime cases in Las Vegas and throughout Clark County. Ben provides the legal advocacy necessary to pursue favorable resolutions for his defendants. He handles every case with the utmost dedication and discretion.

There is much at stake. But with Benjamin Nadig’s assistance, you will have the resources you need to defend yourself against from the potentially life-changing results of criminal allegations.


Throughout his entire career, Ben Nadig has primarily focused on criminal law. Before entering private practice as a defense lawyer, he worked on many cases as a prosecuting attorney for the city of Las Vegas. Before that, he handled complex securities litigation, which gave him a thorough understanding of the corporate world. This specialized background equips him with the ability to manage large-scale discovery and document review with meticulous attention to detail – qualities essential in a criminal defense attorney working with a white collar crime case.

Benjamin Nadig knows the thought processes and strategies used by prosecutors. Subsequently, he knows how to effectively counter them. He also has defended numerous clients against federal charges. As a result, his familiarity with the procedural nuances of federal courts allows him to navigate complex federal charges.


The Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig handle all types of white collar crime defense. Nadig has worked on many cases in Clark County and Nevada, as well as cases on the federal level. He works with every kind of white collar crime case, including but not limited to:

  • Tax fraud or evasion
  • Embezzlement
  • Identity theft
  • Wire and mail fraud
  • Securities fraud
  • Federal firearms offenses
  • Money laundering
  • Racketeering


Ben’s clients include both Nevada residents and out-of-state visitors. He frequently represents defendants in a wide range of white collar defense cases at both the local and federal levels. If you need assistance paying for Ben’s services, he can negotiate a payment plan that will suit your needs.

Without the help of a criminal defense attorney, a white collar crime conviction can follow you for the rest of your life, negatively affecting your ability to secure a consistent livelihood and the financial stability that comes with it. Whatever the case, Benjamin Nadig will work hard to minimize the impact of these charges on your life and livelihood.

For immediate legal assistance, call us immediately. You can also submit an online contact form to receive a response within the next business day. The Law Offices of Ben Nadig offers a free consultation when contacted. Additionally, Ben offers on-site appointments at jail locations or whatever site would be most convenient for you.



Contact Information
228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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Contact Information
228 S. 4th St., Third Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Mon - Fri: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
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